Kidding Kit
Set up a cozy, draft free kidding pen where doe can deliver and spend the first few days to bond with her kids if you are dam raising.
Have available colostrum or powdered colostrum on hand in case kids will not nurse or mom rejects a kid.
Assemble a Kidding bag: (a large bag or a sturdy rubbermaid tub to hold supplies)
Bottle of 7% iodine or betadine to dip newborns navels in
A shot glass or equivalent to hold dipping solution
Sharp, clean scissors for trimming umbilical cord (keep clean in baggie)
Dental floss to tie off bleeding cord if needed
Digital rectal thermometer
Bulb syringe (the kind you use on a human infant)
Large bottles of surgilube or KY
Pile of clean old towels to clean off kids
A list of names and phone numbers of goat resource people (put in a baggie)
Molasses-helpful energy boost for mom
Extras- infant vitamin B drops, probiotic gel, Kid snare, stethescope, Calcium injection-for mom