Signs of Labor

It is Go Time!

Signs that a doe is in labor:

  • Expanded udders. They will start to fill a few weeks to a day before kidding. A strutted (overfull/engorged) udder a day or so before delivery.

  • Steep rump. The hormone relaxin causes the pelvis to soften, the rump becomes steeper from hip to tail.

  • Soft pelvic ligaments. A reliable way to monitor progress of impending kidding is by checking pelvic ligaments. These ligaments attach to either side of the spine between hips to pin bones. To find, slide your hand down the spine with fingers about an inch on both sides. You should feel them on each side about the size of a pencil. As the hormones work, it will soften them to the point that they cannot be felt any longer. (It is always good practice to practice on a non-pregnant doe to get used to the feel.)

  • The vulva will relax and become longer and loose about 24 hrs prior to kidding.

  • Mucus from the vulva can range from clear strings to thick, opaque white to thick amber.

  • In the day before kidding, the spinal ligaments at the tail head will cause the spine to soften and sink to the point you can almost touch finger to thumb under it. This is an unmistakable sign that delivery is imminent.

Part 5: Labor and Delivery


Labor and Delivery


Kidding Kit