Doe Care During Pregnancy
Pregnant Nigerian Doe @happyhoovesandhens
First signs of pregnancy will be your doe missing her heat cycle at 21 days or so.
Expectant does can be protective and show signs of aggression toward other goats.
Possible increase in sleeping.
Never overfeed grain to a pregnant doe. An overfed momma can grow babies that are too large to deliver and require emergency C-section or even death for both doe and kids.
Free choice of unlimited hay and water.
You may notice an increase in appetite. As the doe progresses, she will eat less more often as there is less room for her rumen and the kids put more pressure on it.
You may start to see her “baby bump” on her right side, especially if she is carrying multiples.
Some does personality changes. They may become more standoffish or more affectionate.
Those pregnant with multiples may have more problems breathing and look uncomfortable when laying down.
If you are milking, stop 2 months prior to her due date.
Final Month: (During this stage you will see many changes in your doe.)
Update does CDT vaccine, this will help develop the kids immunity while still in the womb.
Some goat owners like to give an injection of BoSe (Selenium and Vit E), this helps prevent white muscle disease in kids in selenium-deficient areas.
Udder trim, as long as it does not stress her too much.
Vulva may swell and look red or “bulgy”. She may have mucus discharge from her vulva off and on. Her udder may start to fill, growing larger as delivery gets closer. The bump may become larger, and you may see or be able to feel the baby moving.